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Four Feather Falls - 1960

Four Feather Falls (1960) was the third puppet TV show produced by Gerry Anderson in 

The series is set in the late 19th Century Western town of Four Feather Falls, Kansas and features the adventures of its sheriff, Tex Tucker. In the first episode, Grandpa Twink relates the story of how it all began to grandson, Little Jake. Tex is riding up from the valley and comes across a lost and hungry Indian boy, Makooya and saves him. Later when reunited with his father, Tex is given four magic feathers by Indian Chief Kalamakooya as a reward for saving his son, Makooya. Two of these feathers allow his guns to swivel and fire automatically (often while Tex's hands are raised) and the other two allow his horse (Rocky) and his dog (Dusty) to speak English. As Tex, his horse and dog are very thirsty, Kalamakooya also makes a waterfall where there had been no water before and so when the town was built, it was named after Tex's feathers and the waterfalls.

Pedro was introduced as a villain in the first show and was teamed up with Fernando by the second show, so someone to talk to, to plan with, to blame when things went wrong as they always did. Big Ben was another villain who appeared from time to time, and Red Scalp, the renegade Indian, since it was a western show. Other villains turned up for just one episode.

The characters of the town were Grandpa Twink who did little but rest in a chair, Little Jake the only child in town, Ma Jones who run the town store, Doc Haggerty, Slim Jim the bartender of the Denison saloon, Marvin Jackson the bank manager and Dan Morse the telegraphist. Other characters appeared from time to time, for one episode, often just visiting town.

All 39 Episodes on 4 dvds

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