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Classic Glenn Ford Movie Collection


Gwyllyn Samuel Newton "Glenn" Ford was a Canadian-born actor who held dual Canadian and American citizenship.
His career lasted more than 50 years. Although he played many different roles, Ford was best known for playing ordinary
men in unusual circumstances. He was most prominent during Hollywood's Golden Age.

After Ford graduated from Santa Monica High School, he began working in small theatre groups. While in high school,
he took odd jobs, including working for Will Rogers, who taught him horsemanship. Ford later commented that his father
had no objection to his growing interest in acting, but told him, "It's all right for you to try to act, if you learn something
else first. Be able to take a car apart and put it together. Be able to build a house, every bit of it. Then you'll always have
something." Ford heeded the advice and during the 1950s, when he was one of Hollywood's most popular actors,
he regularly worked on plumbing, wiring, and air conditioning at home.

Ford acted in West Coast stage companies before joining Columbia Pictures in 1939. His stage name came from
his father's hometown of Glenford, Alberta. His first major movie part was in the 1939 film, Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence.

Here we have a Collection of 28 Classic Glenn Ford Movies on 12 DVD's

Heaven With a barbed Wire Fence 1939
Blondie Plays Cupid 1940
Go West, Young lady 1941

Texas 1941
Destroyer 1943
Desperadoes 1943

Gallant Journey 1946
Framed 1947
Green Glove 1952

Appointment in Honduras 1953
Man from the Alamo 1953
The Americano 1955

The Violent Men 1955
Jubal 1956

The Fastest Gun Alive B/W 1956
The Fastest Gun Alive Color

3:10 to Yuma 1957
Cowboy 1958

The Sheepman 1958
Cimarron 1960

The Last Challenge 1967
Day of the Evil Gun 1968

DVD 10
The Brotherhood of the Bell 1970 TV Movie
The Disappearance of Flight 412 1974 TV Movie

DVD 11
Midway (1976
The Sacketts 1979 TV Movie Part 1

DVD 12
The Sacketts 1979 TV Movie Part 2
Border Shootout 1990